Sesiones grupales de sound healing

Course on the Turkish musical system

The modal system called makam. Face-to-face course with the Turkish musician and musicologist Talha Koytak as a special guest.


In this course we will address the essential theoretical and practical aspects to understand the makam musical system, the predominant system throughout the Middle East. We will also provide practical resources for incorporating distinctive sounds of the Turkish style. On the other hand, we will review the historical processes that have shaped this cultural expression.


Understand the musical system of makam, its particularities and know at least three modes. Likewise, to have a historical perspective of its development and its current situation.


Two sessions of three hours each: February 14 and 15, 2023 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Course aimed at musicians interested in the music of the Middle East and in knowing musical systems other than the Western one.


$1,150.00 pesos

Pay event:


Talha Koytak

Talha Koytak

24st Anniversary

For more information contact our office phones:

(+52) 55 5211 9051 (+52) 55 5211 3346

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