

Intensive Course-Workshop for fathers and mothers

Bullying causes enormous suffering to the children and adolescents who suffer from it and also leaves an important mark on those who carry out the abuse. The violence, fear, anger and pain that are mixed in this dynamic affects the self-esteem and emotional security of children and young people. This is an issue that worries both parents and teachers.

Although it is true that in its social dimension bullying reflects the great difficulties of our time, deep down, the bullied child remembers with his suffering events and destinies of the family system itself.

Finding those destinations to which the love of the boy or girl looks without realizing it, is the work that fathers and mothers can do in this workshop to facilitate the path to happiness for their children. Young people who see their development affected by this dynamic will also be able to work.

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24st Anniversary

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(+52) 55 5211 9051 (+52) 55 5211 3346

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